About Us

Who We Are

We Are Brazza Steaks on Stakes

We are thrilled to deliver our authentic Venezuelan flavors of meat, grilled directly on our crafted fire pit, enhanced by smoked wood.Brazza only cooks the most fresh and top quality cuts of meat. Nuestro equipo cuenta con más de 20 años de experiencia en la industria.

Our Services Enjoy the Experience

Our goal is to make sure that all our customers have a real experience of our hometown culture through our food. Just as our name says, we cook steaks on stakes, we use a wood fire grill to do so.

Our menu has a variety of options including meats, sausages, traditional plates and sauces.

Todas nuestras comidas van acompañadas con la muy aclamada y reconocida “salsa del amor” hecha con una base de cilantro y mayonesa.